The Viva embodies the very essence of RENEKA. Simply elegant and efficient, Viva is the marriage between manufacturing quality and ease of use.

Designed to adapt to establishments that operates at a slower pace, in no way the Viva sacrifies its performance to other machines.

The Viva Range is the quintessence of Reneka, striking a perfect balance between high-quality craftsmanship and intuitive operation. This range is tailored for establishments with a more relaxed pace yet refuses to compromise on performance. Each Viva machine, from standard to high cup options, is a masterpiece of efficiency, featuring our patented AROMA PERFECT system and LATTE ART nozzle (option) for impeccable espresso and milk foam. With a robust mechanical rotary pump and pressostatic temperature control, the Viva Range stands out for its elegant design and ease of use, making it the ideal companion for any coffee space seeking both elegance and functionality.

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